Delicious seitan gluten meat mince

Delicious seitan gluten meat mince – subs – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best subs. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: Make sure to befriend your waiter or waitress. Be polite, friendly, and remember to leave a big tip. Servers have access to your food before you do, and they have information that you don t. So make sure to be nice and you will get everything you want!

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • 1 cup gluten flour
  • 1 cup liquid made of water with soy, mushroom soy, parisian
  • essence.
  • 2 teaspoon mixed herbs
  • Large pot with boiling water


Mix the gluten with the liquid. This will make a very stiff rubbery dough,
which will get quite hard to handle, it needs to be kneaded well though.
Roll into a ball and leave covered in the bowl for 1 hour.
Slice the gluten into thick ”steaks” and put into a large pot filled with
boiling water. The steaks will need to simmer for about 1/2 hour.
Drain the steaks, and press the excess water out of them. These steaks ca
be sliced up to go into stirfrys, or I have minced them in the food
processor and used instead of mince. Because they are made with the
y in the actual dough, they blend into food much better than most
seitan, and are very tasty. (My SO cooked a lasagne using glute
mince for his parents (meat and 2 veg types) and they simply would not
believe that it was vegetarian!)
The steaks keep in the fridge for about a week, and freeze quite well.

Serves: 6

Preparation time: 1.20

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