Pasta Piccante con la Salsiccia di Faux

Pasta Piccante con la Salsiccia di Faux – pasta – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best pasta. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: Eat the rainbow! Fruits and vegetables all contain different nutrients. A simple way to remember to eat a range of vitamins and minerals is to vary the colors of the vegetables you eat. Of course, greens are always good, but try eating a rainbow of tomatoes, yellow squash and purple cabbage!

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • 1/2 pound of your favorite pasta (I like linguini or a fun macaroni).
  • 8 tofu sausages (Lightlife makes very good Italian style sausages).
  • 1 cup good vegan red wine
  • a pinch of dried basil, oregano, and crushed red pepper
  • 4 chopped, vine ripened tomatoes.
  • 4 cloves garlic (lesser mortals may use less.. gods and goddesses may add more).
  • 1 small white onion, chopped.
  • A few splashs of balsamic vinegar.
  • Soy parmasean, for garnish.
  • Extra virgin olive oil


Put a big pot of heavily salted water to boil. While it is
boiling, fry the sausages in a non stick pan, over medium
heat, in batches, in a little bit of the olive oil, until
brown all over and firm to the touch. Blot the excess oil
off of the sausages and slice into penny size pieces.

Saute the garlic and onion in a bit of the oil, until
fragrant over high heat. If your water hasn”t boiled yet,
put a lid on it. If it has, throw in your pasta, give it a
quick stir and hope the rest of the meal will come together
while the pasta cooks. To the garlic and onion, a
dd the seasonings, a bit of black
pepper, and the tomatoes. Saute for about a minute, then
throw in the vegan wine. Stir the veggies and vegan wine until most of
the vegan wine has cooked off, about three to four minutes. Peak
at your pasta. Is it done? Good!

Turn off the heat from under the sauce”s pan. Throw in the
cooked pasta, add a splash of balsalmic vinegar and good
olive oil, and serve with the soy parm and lots of freshly
ground black pepper.

Serves: four

Preparation time: twenty-thirty minutes, including pasta cooking time

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