Potatoes and Things

Potatoes and Things – vegetables – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best vegetables. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: Make sure to befriend your waiter or waitress. Be polite, friendly, and remember to leave a big tip. Servers have access to your food before you do, and they have information that you don t. So make sure to be nice and you will get everything you want!

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • About 4 red potatoes (or other if not red)
  • An onio
  • Some garlic (one of those little bits)
  • Peanut butter (dessert spoon)
  • Tin of tomatoes (chopped)
  • olive oil
  • a wok
  • a few mixed herbs


Chop the potatoes up into chunks (quite small)
Put the olive oil (about one – two tablespoons) in the wok
and heat it up till it”s pretty hot.
Shove the potatoes in and fry them (no pre-boiling needed)
Add the herbs – they should stick to the potatoes.
Cut up the onion and shove it in after about 4 minutes
Keep stirring, so as not to stick potatoes to wok
Add the garlic (chopped) whenever you like.
When the potatoes are browning (and are almost ”done”) add
the tomatoes and the peanut butter.
Simmer for a while until it”s thick enough for you.
A bit of soy sauce wouldn”t go amiss…

Eat it when it”s done.

Serves: 2

Preparation time: 20 mins

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