Hot Things – vegetables – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best vegetables. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: If you are going to a gathering with all your meat lover friends such as a barbeque or pig roast, bring your own veggie burger to place on the grill. You can also make your own veggie kabobs with fresh vegetables and tofu. Just make sure to bring enough, as most people will want to try and probably like what you are eating!
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- 4 jalapenos, deseeded and sliced in half
- vegan refried beans
- soymilk
- flou
- oil
After you”ve deseeded and sliced the
peppers down the middle long-ways, fill
each half with refried beans and level
off the beans to the pepper.
Dip each stuffed half in soy milk. Now
dip in flour and make sure it”s covered
Set to dry on waxed paper for 10 min.
repeat proced. 3 x”s making sure you
let them dry, after each dippin”.
Fill pan 1/4 way full of vegtable oil &
heat over high heat. Once the oil has
heated drop the jalapenos in. Use a
spatula to roll the jalapenos around
while cooking. Fry til them things
turn golden brown.
*delicious when dipped in guacamole!
Serves: 1
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