Easy, Fabulous Fried Potatoes & no-fat version

Easy, Fabulous Fried Potatoes & no-fat version – vegetables – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best vegetables. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: Most restaurants nowadays have vegetarian options available right on the menu. If not, ask your server if there is something that can be made for you. If you are at a more upscale restaurant, the chef will most likely be willing to whip up something for you, as it shows their talents and feeds their ego.

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • 4 medium potatoes, washed and pricked
  • olive oil, or sunflower oil gives them a nice Tim”s Cascade-ish flavor
  • 1/2 medium white onion, diced (optional)
  • sea salt and pepper to taste


WHOLE FAT VERSION *crispy, crispy*

1.) Microwave potatoes for 6-8 minutes, checking
after 6 to be sure not to over or undercook the
potatoes, potatoes are ready when they just give,
like a ripe avocado when pressed. (Adjust your
nuking time accordingly for larger amounts of
potatoes–I cook up sixteen in advance because my
husband eats six potatoes himself, and I nuke
them for 18 minutes.)

2.) If you like onions, this would be the time to
start them. Add oil to a medium skillet (non-
stick or SEASONED CAST IRON) over medium-high
heat and sautee to caramalize, or to your liking.
THE ONION, hold at low until microwave is
finished. If onions are watery, sautee until
water is gone and add a bit more oil before
adding potatoes (more oil makes ”em crispier)


Heat pan to high, add 1/4 cup
water and salt, quickly saute onions until well
browned, hold at low until microwave is finished,
if onions are a bit watery, great!

3.) Raise heat on onions to med-high, cut potatoes
lengthwise, then each half into three manly bite-
size cubes (homefry style) when onions start to
sizzle, add potatoes and quickly brown them up
adding salt and pepper to taste. That”s it! Once
you”ve made this recipe, it is the easiest thing
in the world, this is what I make for dinner when
I”m sick, because it is SO easy and everyone
grubs them up!

I make mine in individual batches–like I said, I
nuke 16 because my husband eats six of the
greasy, greasy ones, my 2 kids each eat four with
minimal oil and no onions, and I eat two with no
oil and extra onions, wanna kiss?

Serves: 2

Preparation time: 15-20 mins

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