Potato Pancake Tofu Slices

Potato Pancake Tofu Slices – tofu – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best tofu. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: Read the sandwich descriptions on your menu. Most would be quite tasty and still filling without the meat. Just make sure to tell your server that you want to hold the chicken or roast beef, and to double up on the veggies and cheese.

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • 1 package extra firm tofu
  • 1 large potato
  • an onio
  • about 1/4 cup flour
  • fresh parsley
  • salt, pepper and whatever other seasonings you”re partial to
  • olive oil


Slice tofu into about 6 slices.
Grate potato and onion into a dish.
Add flour,parsley and seasonings to the potato mixture.
Coat tofu slices with the potato mixture, pressing it in
with your hands so it sticks well.
Refrigerate for at least 1/2 hour which kind of “sets” it.
Put enough olive oil into a skillet to cover bottom (and then
some). Let it get good and hot.
Saute slices until crispy and brown on each side.
Serve with apple sauce or non-dairy sour cream or both. It”s
also fantastic dipped into a little wasabi!!!

Serves: 2-3

Preparation time: 1 hour

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