Vegan Master Ganache

Vegan Master Ganache – sweets – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best sweets. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: Keep your favorite salad dressings on hand. I find that I m much more likely to eat my greens or some raw veggies when my favorite salad dressings are in the fridge. A little variety is great too I try to keep at least two kinds, either store bought or homemade on hand at all times. Some of my favorites are homemade goddess dressing, Thai peanut sauce from my local Asian grocer and rasberry vinaigrette. A vegan ranch dressing was helpful as well when I was trying to wean myself off dairy.

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • 1 cup Soy Coffee Creamer (Silk is great.)
  • 1 cup Vegan Dark Chocolate Chips/Bar/Squares


If using a bar or squares, chop the chocolate into 1/4″ pieces, as any
bigger and they will not melt properly.

Place the chips or chopped chocolate into a large mixing bowl; set aside. In a
double-boiler (a smaller pot over a larger pot with water inside), slowly bring the cream
to a boil–be careful not to scorch! When cream has begun to boil, immediately pour it
over the chocolate. One can either whisk the two ingredients together or use a rubber
spatula and fold together until smooth and shiny.

This recipe can be used as the coating for vegan truffles, glazing brownies, or my
personal favorite–glossing over a vegan cheesecake! Yum! 🙂

Serves: 2 Cups

Preparation time: 15 minutes

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