Pineapple-Vanilla Dessert – sweets – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best sweets. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: While everyone else that you are with is chomping down on huge T Bone steaks and French fries, you can turn a side salad and baked potato into your meal, if nothing else is available.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- crushed pineapple in juice (unsweetened, canned)
- Cuarenta y Tres (43) Liquor (it”s a vanilla liquor from Spain)
Pre-prepare pineapple by pouring contents of can into icecube trays
and freezing. The icecube trays I have make cubes about 1″x1″x1.5″
so adjust the following if yours are bigger or smaller.
Note: If you stick toothpicks in the pineapple cubes they make nice
About 30 minutes to a couple hours before serving, blend (in blender
or food processor) 5 pineapple cubes and 2-3 oz. of 43 liquor for
each serving. Spoon into dessert glasses and refreeze.
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