
Loki – subs – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best subs. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: Take a vitamin supplement that contains B12 or include nutritional yeast in your diet regularly, especially if you re vegan or mostly vegan.

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • 50 grams (2oz) textured soy protei
  • 1/2 an onio
  • a few mushrooms
  • 1 clove garlic
  • a handful of spaghetti (To serve one or two)
  • olive oil
  • a jar of pasta sauce (Or just use tomato sauce and basil to make your own)


This is a veg*n version of the recipe my sister
makes. Enjoy.

1.) Chop the onion & mushrooms. Chop or mash the
garlic. If you”re using dehydrated soy protein,
add the water.

2. Sauté the mushrooms, onion and garlic in a pa
with the olive oil, until the onions are clear,
and it looks cooked.

3. Boil the spaghetti in a different pan.

4. Add the soy protein to the mushrooms and
onions, add extra olive oil. This will be
absorbed by the soy protein.

5. Add the pasta sauce, and cook on a low heat,
stirring regularly. Keep going until the pasta is
cooked and serve together. This recipe served
one, although it could serve two if you are after
small portions. If you”re looking to serve two
large portions, just double the recipe.

This recipe is traditionally served with parmesa
cheese, so if you can get hold of it, try
sprinkling grated soy parmesan on top.

This recipe is an adaptation of my sister”s
recipe. She used beef instead of soy protein. At
stage 4, adding the olive oil stops the sauce
from turning into a sticky mush. This wasn”t
necessary in the meat version, as the beef fat
acted like olive oil.

You can make it more interesting by soaking the
textured soy protein in vegetable stock.

The olive oil can easily be subbed for canola
oil, or any other oil, but traditionally, olive
oil is used, and is best.

Serves: 1-2

Preparation time: 30-45 mins

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