Potato & Greens Fry-Up – stirfry – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best stirfry. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: Read the sandwich descriptions on your menu. Most would be quite tasty and still filling without the meat. Just make sure to tell your server that you want to hold the chicken or roast beef, and to double up on the veggies and cheese.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- 2-3 medium potatoes
- 1 can mustard greens
- 1 medium onio
- balsamic vinegar (optional)
Microwave potatoes 3-4 minutes or until soft. While they are
cooking, chop onion and saute in a large skillet until
translucent (Onion can be sauteed in oil, water, or juice
from mustard greens). When potatoes are cooked, quarter them
and cut into slices about 1/2″ thick. Throw the potatoes and
drained mustard greens in the skillet with the onions, and
cook on low to medium heat for about 10 minutes.
Mixture can be served with a dash of balsamic vinegar, salt
and pepper, or just about any spices.
This is a surprisingly yummy combination – even my cats like
Serves: 2-4
Preparation time: 20 mins.
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