Mung Soup w Potatoes, Greens, Ginger – soup – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best soup. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: It s true ladies and gentleman! Certain fast food restaurants are now offering veggie burgers, as well as salads. While most of the salads may come with chicken or meat, you can ask them to leave it off. Just be careful of the dressings, as most have tons of sugar and calories. You also have baked potatoes, or fruit and yogurt options.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- 1 pound mung beans
- three-four medium/big potatoes
- a cup”s worth of baby carrots
- 10 oz. of frozen turnip greens
- bok choy
- 1 tablespoon of minced, dried onio
- 2 tablespoons of powdered ginger
- 1 tablespoon of garlic powder
This is what I made tonight — I imagine many variations could be made
on the following:
1 pound mung beans (I soaked them a lot in advance, though mung beans
don”t really need tobe soaked) in lots of water in a LARGE soup pot.
Turned on to HIGH.
Meanwhile, I took out three medium/big potatoes (one was HUGE, so
really four potatoes) and chopped ”em up into tiny pieces. I put the
potatoes into the water (which was boiling by this time).
I chopped up about a cup”s worth of baby carrots and put them in
(I imagine regular carrots would work fine.)
I put in about 10 oz. of frozen turnip greens (I imagine, as I
understand from someone else on rec food veg, that collardgreens,
mustard greens, and kale etc wld all work ok as substitutes).
This didn”t seem like a lot of veggies to me for the big pot I was
making (esp. as I wanted lots of calcium) so I put in a couple of
leaves of bok choy. It worked fine. In fact, the bok choy plus the
carrots may have helped sweeten the turnip greens (many ofthese really
dark green stuff taste strong, I dunno about turnip greens normally)
I added perhaps a tablespoon of minced, dried onion (you could use one
or two heads of fresh onion, I suppose).
I added perhaps a couple of tablespoons of powdered ginger (some fresh
might taste better, tho I”ve never tried it)
I added maybe as much as a tablespoon of garlic powder. (I like
I let the whole thing boil, stirred it a lot, scooped out the scum
from the top from the time I had just beans in it until near the end
(this scum is the stuff that gives you flatuence, I think).
when the beans, etc tasted soft and “cooked”, I turned off the stove
and served it.
Should take maybe an hour or somewhat more from beginning to end of
preparation (maybe less if you have a food processor)
A few chopped up celery sticks would probably work, too (though my pot
wouldn”t have had room).
Note that bok choy, too, has calcium (I forget how much, but I seem to
recall it had a LOT — right up there iwht other dark greens)
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