Peanut Buttered-Apples With RAISINS!! – snacks – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best snacks. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: Pizza and pasta are a great way to go for vegetarians, but just be careful of all those carbs and eat them in moderation. If you don t eat dairy, ask for a slice of pizza with sauce topped with tons of veggies and see how great it tastes, and how good it is for you.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- apples
- creamy peanut butter (or what the heck, try it chunky)
- raisins or other chopped, dried fruits (optional)
- any kind of sticky sweetner like syrup
I like Red Delicious or Granny Smith; Gala are also good, but whatever kind floats
your boat.
This is really easy. Core and slice apples, spread peanut
butter and/or whatever sticky stuff you used, and sprinkle
the dried fruits over it (make sure they stick to the peanut
butter!!). It tastes good, it”s healthy, it”s fast, and it
makes great party snacks. Try to use really crunch apples
though. Certain softer varieties taste really icky because
it just sticks to your mouth and it”s just plain old nasty.
I like to use honey and mix it with the peanut butter
before I spread it, but then again, I”m not hard-core vegan.
Anyway, I found some other really good fruit spread recipes
on this site which I”m sure would taste great with it.
Serves: depends on # of apples
Preparation time: oh, it”s a snap (a few minutes?)
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