Orange Sprout Salad – salad – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best salad. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: If the above fast food tips do not work for a fast food restaurant that you are at, then just get a meatless burger. Ask for a Big Mac or Whopper without the meat that is the bun, lettuce, tomato, cheese, pickles, and mayonnaise.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- 10 Clementine mandarin oranges
- 1 red pepper
- 2 cups bean sprouts
- 1/2 Bermuda onio
- 1 1/2 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
- 3 tablespoon olive oil
- juice of 1 orange
- 1/4 teaspoon cinnamo
- 1/2 teaspoon thyme
Peel oranges and seperate into segments, checking
for/removing seeds. Julienne pepper and onion. Toss with
sprouts and orange segments. Whisk together vinaigrette,
juice and spices, pour over salad. Garnish with orange peel
and pepper, arranged to resemble flowers. Great for
Christmas potluck parties.
Serves: 6
Preparation time: 1/2 hr
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