Applesauce – quick – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best quick. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: Reduce your refined sugar intake. I ve got as much of a sweet tooth as anybody, but I try to keep it under control by using such sugar replacers as maple syrup, stevia and agave whenever possible such as in coffee and tea and indulging in the refined stuff only occasionally.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- applesauce
- dried fruit — raisins and/or dried cranberries or cherries
- nuts — walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and/or filberts
- fresh fruit — cherries, blueberries, strawberries
- (optional) oatmeal or other stuff
When I first made this, I was using dairy products and
added walnuts, raisins
and applesauce and really liked it. I have since been
adding whatever else looks like it would fit. Find a nice
store with the bins of nuts and find some that you like, add
some dry fruit (raisins or cranberries are my favorite) then
paste it all together with applesauce. Proportions are up
to your taste. One way to start is to add equal amounts
nuts and fruits and then add applesauce and fresh fruit.
This is about where I like it. If you can get a hold of
good cherries or blueberries, do it.
I also tried this one day in oatmeal and it was great there
too. Just start with oatmeal, add enough nuts and dried
fruit to see after prepared, boil it all in water, then add
applesauce after it”s stopped cooking (unless you like warm
applesauce). This one is good hot or cold as a few times I
have left part in the fridge and come back to it.
It”s good for breakfast, but also works nice for a snack o
if you don”t have a lot of time for lunch. I have enough of
the ingredients in my kitchen above my counter to make a
bowl, get a glass of water and a spoon and be eating in
about three minutes.
Regardless of what you use, you will wind up with a lot of
protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Vitamins and minerals will
depend on what you go with. This is pretty filling stuff,
so you don”t have to make a whole lot.
As I say, I prefer walnuts (not only are they the cheapest,
they are also quite tasty) and raisins or dried cranberries
as a base. Then I add other nuts and fruit in smalle
quantities. I”ve never had one I didn”t like, but you might
stick with non-sour fruits. I don”t think dried apricots
would go very well.
If anyone tries and has a particularly successful
combination, add a comment.
Serves: 1
Preparation time: 10
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