Pizza Dough – pizza – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best pizza. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: Reduce your refined sugar intake. I ve got as much of a sweet tooth as anybody, but I try to keep it under control by using such sugar replacers as maple syrup, stevia and agave whenever possible such as in coffee and tea and indulging in the refined stuff only occasionally.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- 4 cups flour (I generally use whole wheat)
- 1 cup lukewarm water
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 package yeast
- 2 teaspoons vegan sugar
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
Mix flour, sugar, and salt together. Dissolve yeast in water and add
to flour mixture. Stir until dough has absorbed all water then add
olive oil. Mix until dough is not sticky, adding water or flour as
necessary (should not need much of either using the above amounts).
Knead the dough for 8 to 10 minutes then place in a covered bowl in a
warm draft free area for 30 minutes or until dough has doubled i
size. Then knead for 2 or 3 more minutes and let rise 20 minutes
Now roll the dough out. The above recipe should make enough crust for
one 16″ deep dish pizza or two 16″ regular pizzas. Either way, roll
out two 16″ crusts. For deep dish, put the first one in the pan, the
add tomato sauce, veggies, and tons of soy cheese. Then place your second
crust over this and pinch the two crusts together. Add a top layer of
tomato sauce and another ton of soy cheese. Now cook in a hot oven ( 500
degrees or more) for 20-30 minutes.
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