Lemon and Lime Pasta – pasta – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best pasta. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: Eat a dark green vegetable broccoli, spinach, kale, collard greens at least three times a week. These nutritional powerhouses are packed full of vitamins such as calcium and iron. On the run or hate spinach? Try drinking your greens. I recommend Naked Juice s Green Machine its made with fruit juice as well as greens, so it tastes better than others.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- A couple of handfuls of small spiral pasta
- 3 cloves of garlic, sliced
- 1 Birdseye red chilli
- Couple of teaspoons of lemon grass
- Couple of teaspoons of lime juice
- 2 or 3 marinated artichoke hearts
- 4 slices button mushrooms
- Half an onio
- Good grind of sea salt
- Good grind of black pepper
- Olive oil
- And a pint of virgin”s blood (just kidding!)
You read the name right. I concocted this recipe when I was
REALLY hungry one day after not taking enough for lunch,
wondering what I could cook for dinner when I got home. I
did the old Chinese method of “toss things in the pot and
see how it tastes” and came up with this yummy treat…
1. Set the water for the pasta to boil.
2. In a shallow wok, heat a couple of centimeters of olive
oil. There should be enough so that when the sauce is
cooked you can toss it through the pasta.
3. SLICE (do not dice, or mince) the garlic cloves. Slice
the onion into rings. You won”t really need the whole half
unless you LOVE onion and this recipe is just for one.
4. Toss them in the wok and cook them up.
5. When they have fried for a few minutes, add the lemon
grass and continue to stir.
6. Slice the chilli and add. You will only need one, these
chillies are HOT.
7. When all this has stir-fried for a few moments, slice
the artichoke hearts and toss in. Mix.
8. Then, slice the mushrooms, throw in, reduce heat.
9. Add a large squirt of lime juice and the sea salt and
allow to simmer for a few minutes until cooked.
10. Of course, you should have tossed the pasta in the water
as soon as it began to boil. Drain it once al dente, then
pour the sauce over it, tossing right through.
11. Grind black pepper over the finished product and
enjoy… pasta with a nice Thai-flavour!
Of course, you can mix any pasta you like… I envision
linguini working well. However, the emphasis is on the
sauce… so you don”t want a heavy pasta that will weigh
down the flavours of the sauce.
Serves: 1
Preparation time: Half hour
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