Incredible Spicy Rattattoui Sauce

Incredible Spicy Rattattoui Sauce – misc – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best misc. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: If you are going to a gathering with all your meat lover friends such as a barbeque or pig roast, bring your own veggie burger to place on the grill. You can also make your own veggie kabobs with fresh vegetables and tofu. Just make sure to bring enough, as most people will want to try and probably like what you are eating!

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • 1 eggplant cubed
  • 1 green pepper diced
  • 1 red pepper diced
  • 2 zuchini sliced
  • 1 large yellow onion chopped
  • 1 28 oz can of stewed & diced tomatoes
  • 3 dried red chile peppers
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2T. bazil
  • 1T. oregeno
  • 1T. rosemary
  • 1t. marjoram
  • salt & pepper
  • balsamic vinegrette
  • olive oil


Serves 4.

In a large saucepan, heat the oil. Saute the chile peppers, bay leaf,
garlic and onion until the onion is golden. Add the eggplant and the
juice only from the can of tomatoes. Add a splash of vineger. Add
the basil, oregano, rosemary and marjoram. Bring to a boil, the
cover, lower the heat and let simmer for 10 min. Add the
peppers. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the zuchini. Cover and
simmer for ten minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Remove the chili
peppers and the bay leaf and serve over pasta.

Source: me & my mom.


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