Aalu ke Warq Potato Slices

Aalu ke Warq Potato Slices – ethnic – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best ethnic. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: Many upscale food chains have either one or the other, or both salad and soup bars. Salad bars are great for vegetarians, but be careful not to overload on dressings, croutons, nuts, or cheese. Be sure to check with your server about the soups available and that they are bean based, with no meat. If there is nothing else available, salad and soup bars can make a hearty and tasty meal.

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • 2 kg medium sized or big potatoes
  • one table spoon cumin seeds
  • two table spoon vegan mustard oil
  • pinch of turmeric
  • rye if available
  • salt as per taste
  • lemon juice as per taste
  • one small green chili or/and a pinch of red chilli powde
  • one tea spoon coriander powder if available
  • fresh coriander if available


Boil Potatoes and slice them thin (not
wafer thin). Let”s say, about .2 cms
and in the meantime, heat up the oil.
Once heated, add cumin seeds and rye.
Be careful, as they pop. One they have
started popping, put the coriander
powder and chilli. Add potatoes and mix
well along with salt but make sure they
don”t break. The dish will be ready
very soon as the potatoes are already
boiled. If you want the potatoes to be
crispy, add a little more oil. If your
potatoes start to burn, add a dash of
water and continue to cook until you
are satisfied with the texture and the
consistency. To garnish, add lemon
juice and coriander and mix a little.

Enjoy! My father makes this very well
and I learnt it from him.

Serves: 5

Preparation time: half hou

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