Quick Start Breakfast Drink

Quick Start Breakfast Drink – drink – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best drink. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: While everyone else that you are with is chomping down on huge T Bone steaks and French fries, you can turn a side salad and baked potato into your meal, if nothing else is available.

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • 2 cups pineapple juice
  • 2 ripe medium bananas, peeled and sliced
  • 2 cartons (8-oz each) vanilla yogurt
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
  • 1/4 cup wheat germ (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract


For a large blender, combine all ingredients in blender jar. Whir
until smooth. For a small blender, combine one-half of the ingredient
at a time. Makes 4 servings.


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