Incredible This-will-become-your-favorite Veggie Pot Pie – dinner_pies – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best dinner_pies. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: Take a vitamin supplement that contains B12 or include nutritional yeast in your diet regularly, especially if you re vegan or mostly vegan.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- 1 frozen pie shell, or fresh dough if you have time
- 2-3 cups veggie broth
- 1-2 potatoes
- 3 medium carrots
- a variety of veggies such as green beans, zuchinni, mushrooms, or just about anything.
- 1 package frozen spinach
- vegan grated or sliced cheddar to cover pan in two layers
- lots of good spices: garlic,
- cumin, tarragon makes it savory, whatever you like.
Thaw pie shell and try real hard to take one 1/2 out of the tin w/o it breaking into a
million pieces. If you manage, you are a god(dess). Meanwhile, cook chopped veggies (NOT
spinach, just keep it till later). Cook in micro or oven till about 3/4 cooked. To make
sauce, heat broth in large kettle, add spices, and lower heat. Add slowly either
cornstarch or flour (I use flour), till slightly thickened. You can add dairy free milk
and use veggie buillon cubes. Add to this cooked veggies and coat them w/sauce.
Meanwhile, layer 1/2 cheese on bottom of lower crust. Spoon in veggies and
sauce, then add spinach on top. add rest of cheese on top of that,
and close it up as best as you can w/ the torn top shell. at least
mine always tears. bake at 400 for about 45 min, till crust is brow
and delicious cheese and juice oozes out.
Serves: 3-4 hungry adults
Preparation time: ?less than 1 hour
Nutrition Information: probably bad for you in some obtuse way just like everything else
in life.
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