Magic Palate Salad – delncoluch – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best delncoluch. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: Take a vitamin supplement that contains B12 or include nutritional yeast in your diet regularly, especially if you re vegan or mostly vegan.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- 1 16 oz. Pkg. Edamame Soy Beans (shelled)
- 2 1/2 Cups Oyster Mushrooms (sliced)
- 1 Cup Brown Onion (chopped)
- 1 Tbl. Soy Sauce
- 1 teaspoon Kelp
- 1 tablespoon Garlic Powder
- 1 teaspoon Sea Salt
- 2 Heads Romaine Lettuce (sliced)
- 1 Cup Watercress Leaves (discard stems)
- 1 Tomato (Wedges)
- Grape Seed Oil
In a pot, place just enough water to cover beans add Sea
Salt. Once Water is fully boiled add the Soy Beans and
cover w/cracked lid. Cook about 10-12 minutes.
Lightly lace bottom of saut� pan with Grape Seed Oil. Use –
medium-high flame. Add the Mushrooms, Onions, Soy Sauce,
Kelp, Garlic Powder and cook about 4-5 minutes.
Drain Soybeans then add to saut� pan-mix then turn flame
off. Cover with lid.
Slice Lettuce or chop to your liking. Set aside. Now make
Dressing. Toss Salad with Del �n� Coluch Lemon Walnut
Shallot Dressing.
Use Tomato Wedges as a garnish and serve!
Serves: 8
© Del �n� Coluch 2001
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