Maple Oatmeal-Spelt Bread

Maple Oatmeal-Spelt Bread – bread – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best bread. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: Make it a goal to eat at least one piece of raw fruit or a handful of raw vegetables every dayI try to eat an apple first thing in the morning to get it out of the way.

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • 2 1/4 teaspoon yeast
  • 1 3/4 cups Water
  • 3 tablespoon organic pure vegan maple syrup
  • 2 cups bread flour
  • 2 cups spelt flour(whole wheat may be substituted)
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup canola oil (optional)


1) Mix warm water and yeast in bowl, allow to rest 5 minutes

2) Add syrup and oil (if using)

3) Stir in white flour

4) On a floured board knead in spelt flour

5) Knead for four minutes

6) Dump oats on board and knead i

7) Allow to rest for 15 minutes

8) Knead for ten minutes and transfer to oiled bowl
**Kneading times vary greatly…dough should be supple, but
as with all oat vegan breads the dough will not be as stretchy or
resiliant as “white” doughs…it should also be a bit sticky

9) Allow to rise 2 hours or until double
** Dough may be frozen at this point, allowed to rise more,
or shape into loaves for baking–see next steps

Freezing: Frequently I make triple batches and freeze 2/3.
SImply wrap in plastic, then wrap in foil or place in a freezer
bag. To defrost keep at room temperature for 6 hours, punch down,
shape loaf and allow to proof before baking.

Bake Now: Punch down dough, preheat oven to 375, shape loaf
into desired shape or use a loaf pan. When shaping, oats
may be sprinkled on board so that they stick to the outside
for a pretty–and tasty- crust. Allow to rise for 35-40
minutes, bake loaf for 45-55
minutes. During last 10 minutes of baking brush with pure
maple syrup for a shiny glaze.

Develop more flavor and superior texture: This method is
the method I use on my French loaves and I find that it
gives a more developed flavor and superior texture.

–After step 9, gently deflate dough, shape into a bowl and
allow to rise for 75 minutes.

–Gently deflate again, reshape into a ball, and allow to
rise for another hour.

–Gently deflate again, preheat to 375 degrees, shape into
desired loaf shape (I like a boule). When shaping, oats
may be sprinkled on board so that they stick to the outside
for a pretty–and tasty-crust. Allow to rise for 35-40
minutes, bake loaf for 45-55 minutes. During last 10
minutes of baking brush with melted pure
maple syrup (2 tsp or so) for a shiny glaze.


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