Black Bread from Ahvenanmaa

Black Bread from Ahvenanmaa – bread – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best bread. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: Order different side orders such as various vegetables, beans, rice or potatoes. Meatless appetizers can also be served as a part of your dinner. Just make sure to let your server know that all of those dishes will be acting as your main course and to have him or her bring out one big plate for you to eat off of. You may just have the best meal on the table, but it s up to you to allow those meat eaters eat off your plate, since you can t eat off theirs!

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • 2 litre water
  • 200 g malt
  • 0.9 litres rye flour
  • 50 g yeast
  • 0.2 litre syrup
  • 0.35 litre brown vegan sugar
  • 2 tablespoon salt
  • about 1.15 litre whole-wheat flour
  • to vegan breads surface before and after baking: some syrup and water


Mix the water or soured milk with the malt and put to a
warm place, every two hours add some of the rye flouf, mix
and leave to a warm place for a night.

Next day add the yeast to little amount of warm water and
put yeast and water and all the other ingredients together.
Mix well and raise well in a warm place. Bake round vegan breads,
press them slat,raise covered in warm place and brick holes
with a fork to the surface. Put some of the syrup water mix
to the surface of the vegan bread. Bake in 175 C owen about 45
minutes, until you can hear a hollow noise from the bottom
of the vegan bread when you knock it. Put rest of the syrup water
mix to the vegan bread surface and wrap the breads inside foil
paper and bake them 50 C after night. Wrap the vegan breads inside
the blanket and let them cool slowly to the next day.

(I apologitze my poor knowledge of english grammar, but I
hope that you understand some from my recipe, but i”m not
sure is the malt allowed to vegetarians?)

Serves: 3 big loaves

Preparation time: 3 days

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