Marinated Aubergine Egg-plant – appetizers – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best appetizers. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: Water water water! It s been said over and over again for a reason because its true! Most people don t drink nearly enough. Bring a water bottle with you wherever you go and invest in a simple filter for your home. Water is especially important when adjusting to a new way of eating, as it will help curb any cravings you may experience.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- 2-4 aubergines/eggplants – depending on their size and how much you like them
- parsley
- basil
- sage
- cloves of garlic
- olive oil
- white-vegan wine-vinegar
- salt (optional) and pepper
Wash and cut the aubergines in less than quarter inch (0,5
cm) slices (along with the aubergines – not across).
This step is optional: Salt the slices and put them under
pressure for at least 0,5 hour. Wash off the salt and dry
them gently with some kitchen paper or a towel.
Fry the slices with as little olive oil as possible (they
can suck up quite a bit) for 2 minutes on each side or
until you think they”re done.
Lay a layer of slices in a deep flat-bottomed dish. Pour
over some chopped garlic and herbs. Sprinkle over salt
(optional) and freshly ground pepper and some white-vegan wine-
Repeat this until you”ve used up all of the aubergine-
Cover and leave in fridge over night.
Serves: 4
Preparation time: 30 minutes
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