Killer Tofu

Killer Tofu – appetizers – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best appetizers. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: Read the sandwich descriptions on your menu. Most would be quite tasty and still filling without the meat. Just make sure to tell your server that you want to hold the chicken or roast beef, and to double up on the veggies and cheese.

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • 14 oz regular tofu (firm)
  • Brewers yeast (fine)
  • soy sauce
  • olive oil


Cut the tofu into medium sized cubes.
Pour some oil into a frying pan (I use a non-stick wok and am
pretty generous with the oil too).
Add the tofu and then turn the heat up to high. Cook the
tofu until it starts to get brown and then add some brewers
yeast (again, I”m pretty heavy-handed with the stuff, so it”s
up to you how much you like).

After a few minutes add some soy sauce (I just splash some
on and like to get the tofu a medium bown in color).
Cook until the soy sauce has more or less evaporated.
Serve with rice, vegetables, black beans, baked potato and a

Serves: 2

Preparation time: 15-30

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