Italian Tomatoes

Italian Tomatoes – vegetables – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best vegetables. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: Read the sandwich descriptions on your menu. Most would be quite tasty and still filling without the meat. Just make sure to tell your server that you want to hold the chicken or roast beef, and to double up on the veggies and cheese.

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • •two tomatoes (enough for one serving)
  • •seasoning salt
  • •fresh ground pepper
  • •italian dressing
  • •salt (optional)


Cut up the tomatoes into bite size pieces. Place them in a
soup bowl. Pour the amount of italian dressing you want on
them. Sprinkle the seasoning salt, pepper, and salt on
them. If you want you can mix it, but usually all the
seasonings just fall to the bottom if you do. The salt is
optional because you already have seasoning salt on it.

Serves: 1

Preparation time: Five minutes

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