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Vegeterian Tips: Keep your favorite salad dressings on hand. I find that I m much more likely to eat my greens or some raw veggies when my favorite salad dressings are in the fridge. A little variety is great too I try to keep at least two kinds, either store bought or homemade on hand at all times. Some of my favorites are homemade goddess dressing, Thai peanut sauce from my local Asian grocer and rasberry vinaigrette. A vegan ranch dressing was helpful as well when I was trying to wean myself off dairy.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- 4 tablespoons of brown flax seed (to make an egg replacer)
- 2 cups of vegan bread crumbs
- 1 tablespoon of vegan mayonnaise (optional)
- 1 small onion, grated
- 1 tablespoon of Old Bay seasoning
- 2 cups grated zucchini with juice squeezed out
To make egg-replacer: Pour four cups of water and the flax
seed into a large pot. Bring to a boil. Boil down to about
3 cups. Pour out about 1/3 cup of the egg-replacer into
large bowl (Try to keep the flax seed from getting into the
bowl — it is ok if some of it does get in though.). (This
egg-replacer works very well for a wide variety of recipes.
One-fourth cup is equal to one large egg. It can stay in the
refrigerator for weeks and can be frozen for future use.)
Mix in the remaining ingredients. Fry in oil until golden
Can be sprinkled with paprika and dipped in vegan tarter
Serves: 5
Preparation time: 30 Minutes
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