Avocado Gazpacho

Avocado Gazpacho – soup – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best soup. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: Water water water! It s been said over and over again for a reason because its true! Most people don t drink nearly enough. Bring a water bottle with you wherever you go and invest in a simple filter for your home. Water is especially important when adjusting to a new way of eating, as it will help curb any cravings you may experience.

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • 3 Large Tomatoes diced
  • 1 8oz. Can chopped Tomatoes with liquid
  • 1 Cup Cucumber diced
  • 1 Cup RedGreen Pepper diced
  • 1 Bunch Green Onion diced
  • Juice from 1 Lemon
  • 2 tablespoon finely diced fresh Cilantro
  • 4 tablespoon Extra-virgin Olive Oil
  • 2 12 Cups EACH V8 and prepared instant vegi soup boullion
  • 3-4 Large Avocado cut into bite size pieces
  • Salt, Pepper and dash of Tabasco to taste


Combine all ingredients and chill well. Serve cold. I have
found this soup is best chilled at least 3-4 hours before
serving to allow flavors to blend. If the soup lacks the
kick you were looking for more lemon juice will most likely
do the trick. Enjoy.

Serves: 8

Preparation time: 30min

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