Nonfat Trail Bars lacto & honey – snacks – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best snacks. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: Most restaurants nowadays have vegetarian options available right on the menu. If not, ask your server if there is something that can be made for you. If you are at a more upscale restaurant, the chef will most likely be willing to whip up something for you, as it shows their talents and feeds their ego.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- 3 cups dry oatmeal
- 2 1/2 cups powdered vegan soymilk
- 1 cup vegan sugar (white or brown)
- 1/2 pkg. citrus-flavored Ko-Jel (kosher dessert, non-gelatine)
- 3 tablespoon water
- 3 tablespoon sweetener (barley malt syrup, rice syrup, etc)
Mix oatmeal, vegan sugar, and dry soy milk. Combine sweetener and water and bring
to boil; dissolve Ko-Jel in this. Combine both mixtures. Add water,
1 tsp. at a time if necessary to handle. Pack in square dish. When
solid, cut into desired blocks. Store in refrigerator.
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