Baked Pita Chips – snacks – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best snacks. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: Many upscale food chains have either one or the other, or both salad and soup bars. Salad bars are great for vegetarians, but be careful not to overload on dressings, croutons, nuts, or cheese. Be sure to check with your server about the soups available and that they are bean based, with no meat. If there is nothing else available, salad and soup bars can make a hearty and tasty meal.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- 6 whole wheat pitas
- olive oil
- spices (your choice)
These are so easy and so delicious!!!
Cut pitas in half AROUND THEIR CIRCUMFERENCE (so you end up
with two flat round halves from each pita). Brush each pita
round with olive oil and cut into eight wedges. Arrange
wedges on baking tray and sprinkle with spices (you can use
any combination….I use coriander, paprika and garlic
powder/salt and serve these with Hummus, but have tried many
other combinations and all are good – especially rosemary
and garlic!!! Tailor the spices to your liking or to
complement an accompanying dish).
Bake the chips at 375 for about 5 – 7 minutes or until
browned. Be careful…they tend to cook quickly – underdone
one minute and black the next!!!
Cool and enjoy!!!
Serves: 96 chips
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