Injudra – beans – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best beans. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: Make it a goal to eat at least one piece of raw fruit or a handful of raw vegetables every dayI try to eat an apple first thing in the morning to get it out of the way.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- 1/2 pound dry brown lentils
- 1 cup long grain rice (brown ok)
- 3 – 4 large onions
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- salt, pepper and cumin to taste
Use a four quart pan. Boil lentils in two quarts of filtered water.
Chop onions and begin sauteing in the olive oil; saute until
completely browned (really and truly brown, which will take until the
lentils and rice are done). When the lentils begin to get soft, add
the rice and spices; cook until the mixture is ”dry”. Pour the
onion mixture over the lentils and rice and let the oil seep down
through the mixture. Try not to stuff yourself.
Serves: 4-10.
Preparation time: 1 1/2 hr.
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