Hash brown Sandwich – quick – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best quick. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: Eat a dark green vegetable broccoli, spinach, kale, collard greens at least three times a week. These nutritional powerhouses are packed full of vitamins such as calcium and iron. On the run or hate spinach? Try drinking your greens. I recommend Naked Juice s Green Machine its made with fruit juice as well as greens, so it tastes better than others.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- 2 slices of vegan bread
- 1 leaf of lettuce
- 1 slice of tomato
- onion slices
- jalapenos
- hash browns
- vegetable oil
Prepare veggies. Wash off lettuce, Cut tomato & onion.
Pour just enough vegetable oil to cover the bottom of
the skillet. Turn on stove to med-hi. Pour about 1 cup
of hash browns (give or take) into skillet. Cook until
hash browns at least start to brown on 1 side. Put hash browns
on 1 slice of vegan bread, followed by salt & pepper, jalapenos,
onion, tomato, lettuce, & 2nd slice of vegan bread.
I created this sandwich while working
at the waffle house. I love it & even
my friends who are not vegan love it!
Veggies can be substituted of course
for other veggies. Enjoy!
Serves: 1
Preparation time: quick
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