Grilled Eggplant – quick – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best quick. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: Make it a goal to eat at least one piece of raw fruit or a handful of raw vegetables every dayI try to eat an apple first thing in the morning to get it out of the way.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- eggplant (size and number depends on amount of people to be served)
- oil
- basil
- rosemary
Clean and slice eggplant into quarter of an inch slices,
Brush with olive oil, and sprinkle with chopped basil and
either grill in a skillet or outside works best – they
grill fast and can stick; so brush grill with olive oil and
watch closely!
This also works for squash and zucchini!
Serves: 4 (depends)
Preparation time: 15
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