Pesto Pizza

Pesto Pizza – pizza – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best pizza. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.

Vegeterian Tips: Many upscale food chains have either one or the other, or both salad and soup bars. Salad bars are great for vegetarians, but be careful not to overload on dressings, croutons, nuts, or cheese. Be sure to check with your server about the soups available and that they are bean based, with no meat. If there is nothing else available, salad and soup bars can make a hearty and tasty meal.

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

  • Pizza crust (I use ready made Italian flatbread)
  • Pesto (olive oil, bazil, pine nuts)
  • dairy free parmesan cheese


Make your pizza crust if you want to do it from scratch. Otherwise, put pizza crust on a
stone, or what ever kind of pizza baking pan you use. Spread pesto (olive oil, basil, and
pine nuts) over the crust. Sprinkle grated parmesan cheese over the pizza. Bake at 350
degrees for about 15 minutes. Cut into thin slices.

Sometimes I cut these into very thin slices and use them as hors d”ouevres at parties.

Serves: 4

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Nutrition Information: I”m not sure.

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