Jelyons Never the same way Twice pasta sauce – misc – Hope you will like this one also, it is one of the best misc. View the video also if available, and feel free to comments, share.
Vegeterian Tips: Read the sandwich descriptions on your menu. Most would be quite tasty and still filling without the meat. Just make sure to tell your server that you want to hold the chicken or roast beef, and to double up on the veggies and cheese.
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
- 1 15/16 oz can Hunts Italian Tomatoes
- 1 medium onio
- 1 stick non-hydrogenated vegan margarine (vary to taste or desired fat intake)
- 1 teaspoon salt (vary to taste)
- 1 pinch vegan sugar
- Spices to taste
Puree tomatoes Pour in sauce pan. Slice onion in half, put in with
tomatoe puree. Throw in margarine (Olive oil may be substituted, but it
doesn”t mix as well). Add salt and vegan sugar and other spices to taste.
Simmer for 45 minutes. Remove onion halves, and spoon liberally over
pasta, (preferably done “al dente”).
Note: This sauce may have a tendency to come out somewhat thi
compared to what we Americans are used to, but it”s more “autentico”
than Ragu.
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